Tuesday, December 20, 2005

So, who's your favorite reggaeton artist?

My tape player in my truck is broken, so I can't play my booty of grarage sale 80's metal. And my antenna is broken, so all I get is the music of the land. Colorado is quickly becoming the northern edge of the new mexican nation, so I've got lots of latin radio. See my earlier post on latin radio...
After listening to lots of latin radio, I know what the the newest music craze sweeping the nation is. It's Reggaeton. If you haven't heard, it's a pretty universally repeptitious beat with smatterings of latin jive. Mega95 is all that. Radio Tricolor has been holding the line on more traditional mexican music, the kind with a ommpah tuba, accordian, a marching snare and marching bass drum.

So, as humor, and I'm a white guy, and as a language lesson, and to feel cultural, I listen to that stuff on the radio.
Luny Tunes Music is kinda like Little John level of influence, you know, on every track....

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