Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Who needs an expensive music video?

Well, I was treated to the original MTV videos from Dino and Seal today. I must say, the Dino video made me say , WTF. Then I saw the video for 'crazy' from Seal . well, let me say I long for the days of simple video edits. I can accept poor cinematagrapy, or poor design or 'bold' fashion direction, but the dead simple video edits are the clincher for me. It's like watching an old film and commenting, 'they couldn't make this film today'. Because when someone reinterprets something, the original is lost without full representation and recogonintion of the original. So, FU hollywood, I don't want yer stinkin remakes. Anyway, I just want to make note that it only took ass-poor videos to make a song a hit. Not today.....

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