So, here as promised is the full Joseph Newman page of the Proof Of God. missing pics, most of them were scanned press releases of this madman. And ahh. what the hay, here's some more loop ready audio from the tapes of neverending goodness... The levels are low...
amyz loop
anitgrav loop
antigravwalkdown loop
neverfill loop
witchcraft backbeat loop
Heck, even take a gander at some free place holder stuff (former obfurrscating website)
Joseph Newman really knows his stuff. It's part of the effect I experienced living on the edge in southern Mississippi for so many years. It's a weird thing that happens when there is nothing to do, nothing going on, nothing to be influenced by, nothing to impress, nothing to share, nothing to worry about. It's almost as if the remoteness of the DEEP south allows for a certain form of creativity to develop. When you feel the need to create something, and no real, actual desire for people to see/hear/feel/experience it, and no expectation of that, you naturally create a true form of something. I know W.Andersen and G.Ohr both appreciated the remoteness of their creativity in southern Mississippi, and I'm sure mr. Newman feel the same. I got that feeling many times creating music in southern mississippi, it's like a folk art that burns quickly, only to be appreciated at that instant, only for those in attendance with no other records of it's existence other than faint fuzzy memories. Of course this happens everywhere, but there is a certain something doing it in the DEEP south that makes it more legit somehow. Sure, it's easy to be a big fish in a small pond, but when many of the fish have legs and wiggly tails, you quickly find out once you are out of your pond, that there are thousands of ponds just like yours, you feel insignificant again. What then? Three legs? Four? how about some plumage? I just take some pride in getting to experience life at such a slow pace. And by slow, I don't mean backwards, just real slow. Like, where notice the sidewalk bulging upward from the steady growth of tree roots over a period of years. Lotsa people live life real fast and never see that.
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