I posted my
Cyborg Corp. Biolab on ebay earlier today. Ever since I saw this thing I knew it would be headed for something good. It has always garnered the "What in the world is that thing?" from every person who has ever crossed it. It's too complicated to explain fully. It's always been better to just let it sit there and go 'beep beep boop boop beep bleep bleep' . It's been part of the spaceship console I had assembled back in Hattiesburg. Now it has been picked up by
Musicthing. Awesome. I check musicthing all the time to see what kinda crazy stuff is on there, and wham, The Biolab is there. I almost feel like
Leoncie! must feel like when she makes that crazy music.
This was used at the University of Southern Mississippi for research. The program was closed down, and now I have it. I have been entirely unable to find any information from the University about this device. The entire department was discontinued! There was a page up from some university last year that referred to one of these in it's graduate research dept. resarching biofeedback. There is some old reference about a program from 1987 using one. Let me know any additional information ANYBODY might have, I'm curious.
Mounted inside this aluminum 19" rack with sloped front is (from top to bottom) :
EMG BL900 Dual Processor - Measures electrical activity in muscles (muscle tension)
EEG BL541 - Measures brain waves
Thermal BL562 - Mesures peripheral skin temperature
Q880 Data Accumulator - logs values from other units
Open storage drawer - it slides out and holds accessories - right now it has an old probe with deteriorated rubber armband, old original 9 volt batteries.
Biolab BL550 Matrix Control - provides reference tone and calibrations
Flikr pics
Electroencephalogram is brain mapping with emg eeg signal generator for lie detector analog it is vintage to stress reducer Psychophysiologic response patterns EMG activity was measured with Cyborg Quick-stick surface electrodes and a Cyborg P303 EMG amplifier connected to a Cyborg BL900 EMG Dual Processor . the Surface Electromyography psychophysical Duchenne cortical brain waves muscle tension neurotherapy in Meditation Cyborg Corporation in Boston Mass MA into Transcendental Meditation and Biomedical Engineering Bioelectric events of Physicological EEG effect